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Property / Land Details

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Step 3

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Title Register Search

You can search for any property or land i nthe UK, you do not need to own the property.

Requested Document Type

Property Details

Obtain Title Plans Quickly

Access Official Land Registry Documents Online

Discover and download official electronic copies of title plans and documents for over 28 million properties across England, Wales, and Scotland. Our services provide fast, efficient access to detailed property information, including ownership history, boundaries, and legal rights. Please note that Land Registry UK is not affiliated with the UK Government.

Obtain Title Plans Quickly

Access Official Land Registry Documents Online

Official Property Documents

Receive title plan documents via email with our same-day service. We strive to deliver documents within one hour during regular business hours.

Title Plan

The Title Plan provides a visual representation of the property, including its boundaries and relevant references.

Title Register

The Title Register contains detailed ownership information, property description, and restrictive covenants. It complements the Title Plan.

Conveyancing Pack

Includes Lease Deeds, Transfer Deeds, Conveyancing Deeds, and Mortgage documents for the selected property.

Access Land Registry

Our services are available 24/7 for both commercial and public use. Request property title plans online easily and receive electronic copies via email with our same-day service.

Understanding Title Documents

The Title Plan often includes features without explanations on the plan itself. These features are detailed in the Title Register, highlighting rights of way and other relevant information. We recommend purchasing both documents together for complete details.

How to Access Land Registry Documents in 3 Steps

  1. Select Your Documents: Purchase Title Plan and Title Register Official Documents.
  2. Complete The Form: Enter the property details and make payment.
  3. Access Your Documents: We will process and email your documents.

Title Plan Documents

The Title Plan provides a visual representation of the property, showing boundaries and relevant features. We recommend purchasing both the Title Plan and the Title Register.

Title Register Documents

The Title Register complements the Title Plan by providing ownership details, property description, mortgages, charges, restrictive covenants, and easements.

Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers have to say about Land Registry UK.